Would you paint like this?

There are these amazing vintage photos on the Library of Congress flickr page. Worth loosing some time on.

Just something about the photo below that I was wondering: Would you ever paint it like that from your mind?
– Like the light coming though some random panels on the top. Why doesn’t it come through all of them? Or more like the shape of the sun?
– And look at the sunlit shapes on the ground, they look nothing like the window patterns.
– Where are these two odd half moon shapes at the rays come from?
– The shadow of the left cop has some weird effects – like this one light cone coming in.

Reality is often way different than one would ever think of. Just take a look a anatomy in photos of real people – the weirdest things are going on. Or likeness: Most photos of my friends look nothing like my friends. People would complain if you paint things like this, but they accept it in photos without a second thought.

In the waiting room of the Union Station (1943) Chicago, Illinois.

In the waiting room of the Union Station (1943) Chicago, Illinois.

I’ve found that one by the way on Kyle Johnson’s Photography page – nice pictures too. And since I’m at it – here two more vintage photos from flickr.

Gas welding (1942), Library of Congress

Gas welding (1942), Library of Congress

A welcome home kiss (1919), Australian War Memorial Collection

A welcome home kiss (1919), Australian War Memorial Collection