Recent posts on André Hazes

Costumes of the André Hazes Musical – Part IV – A Lighter Note

The last batch of costumes I want to show of this musical… (which is running for a year now, and keeps going). After the gloomy “Hij Gelooft in Mij” dresses the last time, it’s all the more happy now.

Hij Gelooft in Mij: Final Costume Photo

foto: Roy Beusker Fotografie/Annemieke van der Togt

Actress Chantal Janzen, in one of the costumes.

Costume Musical- Hij Gelooft in Mij: Chantal Janzen with white top, white trousers

"Rachel Hazes" (actress Chantal Janzen). in a white dress

Costume Musical- Hij Gelooft in Mij: Chantal Janzen in white skirt costume

"André Hazes" (Martijn Fischer).

Costume Musical- Hij Gelooft in Mij: Friedel Hazes

"Friedel van Galen" (Doris Baaten)

Costume Musical- Hij Gelooft in Mij

"Jan van Galen" (Hajo Bruins)

Costume Musical- Hij Gelooft in Mij: Chantal Janzen in wedding dress

Rachel in her wedding dress.

Costume Musical- Hij Gelooft in Mij: Ensemble costume Boy

Ensemble Costume

Costume Musical- Hij Gelooft in Mij: Ensemble Costume Roy

Costume Musical- Hij Gelooft in Mij: Costume Tim Griek

"Tim Griek" (Cees Geel)

Costume Musical- Hij Gelooft in Mij: Dessous

Another layer of the wedding dress...

Costume Musical- Hij Gelooft in Mij: Negligé

... and a variation thereof.

Costume Musical- Hij Gelooft in Mij: Ensemble Rian

Ensemble costume

Costume Musical- Hij Gelooft in Mij: Ensemble Sophie

Costumes of the André Hazes Musical – Part III – The Dark Edition

Third of the four batches of costumes from the musical (which is still running).
These are a bit on the darker side, since they are mostly from the funeral scenes. Hazes memorial ceremony was a huge event in the Netherlands – drawing 48.000 people into Amsterdam’s soccer stadium.

Costume Musical- Hij Gelooft in Mij: Chantal Janzen with patterned blouse

Chantal Janzen again, as Hazes' wife.

Costume Musical- Hij Gelooft in Mij

Hazes in his later days, battling alcoholism.

Costume Musical- Hij Gelooft in Mij: Friedel Hazes


Costume Musical- Hij Gelooft in Mij: Jan Van Galen, black suit

Jan Van Galen

Costume Musical- Hij Gelooft in Mij: Rachel Hazes

Rachel Hazes, in a black coat

Costume Musical- Hij Gelooft in Mij: ensemble - in a black short coat

Member of the ensemble - in a black short coat.

Costume Musical- Hij Gelooft in Mij: track suit

Manager Ben in a track suit.

Costume Musical - black coat and black gloves

Connie in short black coat and black gloves.

Costume Musical- Hij Gelooft in Mij: tiger-print blouse

Connie with tiger-print blouse.

Musical: black leather jacket costume

Joke, a TV-personality. In black leather jacket.

Costume Musical- Hij Gelooft in Mij: Blue one-piece dress

Ensemble member in blue dress.

Costumes of the André Hazes Musical – Part II

On to the next bunch of costumes for “Hij Gelooft in Mij”. Here is a little trailer showing some of them in action.

Andre and Rachel Hazes

So here are the drawings, the following is the same as the photo above, changed a bit in color.

Costume Musical- Hij Gelooft in Mij: Chantal Janzen in blue dress

"Rachel Hazes" played by Chantal Janzen.

Costume Musical- Hij Gelooft in Mij: Chantal Janzen in red coat

Costume casual male dress

The father, Jan Van Galen, played by Hajo Bruins.

Costume Musical- casual jumper

Andre Hazes hanging out addidas style.

ocre dress fashion illustration

Two versions of Babs (Jip Smit).

Trousers and green dress - fashion illustration

Red leather trousers

90s costume, jeans, red shoes

The 90s version of Rachel.

Costume Musical- Hij Gelooft in Mij: Ocre Suit

Jeans dress, fashion

Light white top, fashion illustration

Costumes of the André Hazes Musical – Part I

“Hij Gelooft in Mij” is a musical about the Dutch hit music singer André Hazes. Was quite an unusual experience to work on this, compared to the opera costumes… also because of learning a part of (very very) Dutch culture that I somehow never even heard of before.

Not sure how I managed, his life story with it’s sad ending is quite huge over here. And the musical hit like a bomb too: 90.000 tickets sold before even the premiere, rave reviews and now it’s basically sold out until May of next year, even though they have crazy six shows a week. Boom! Someone is making a good buck.

The costumes are also positively mentioned in most reviews… which is the spot for my usual disclaimer: the designs are by Yan Tax, my part of it is to paint them.

I picked an unusual style here, since my usual pencil drawings wouldn’t fit: The musical plays much in 2000s and partly in the 80s and 90s. I think it added up to nearly 150 costumes, and I have trouble boiling them down for showing – so there will probably be three more parts to this. Hopefully next with some photos to show, I’ll work on that.

Costume Musical- Hij Gelooft in Mij: Chantal Janzen in white skirt kostuum

The wife of the singer "Rachel Hazes" played by Chantal Janzen.

Costume Musical- Hij Gelooft in Mij: White short trenchcoat kostuum

Costume Musical- Hij Gelooft in Mij: Blue Leather Jacket design, with mini skirt.

Costume Musical- Hij Gelooft in Mij: André Hazes - black trenchcoat, hat and black shirt

André Hazes in his most iconic dress. Played by Martijn Fischer, who looks stunningly like the original.

Costume Musical- Hij Gelooft in Mij: André Hazes - 90s dress version, white jacket, microphone

His older version... let's just say people generally had a different fashion style in the 80s.

Costume Musical- Hij Gelooft in Mij: Jan van Galen in white tracksuit

The father of Rachel - Jan van Galen, played by Hajo Bruins.

Costume Musical- Hij Gelooft in Mij: Friedel van Galen in adidas sports dress - jumper or white tracksuit

And in the partnerlook Rachels mother - my fav: Friedel (played by Doris Baaten).

Costume Musical- Hij Gelooft in Mij: Friedel in dress for the wedding - blue skirt, and flower could she not be?

Costume Musical- Hij Gelooft in Mij: Red jacket with black trousers

Jan Ebertse as... I forgot, some friend or so.

Costume Musical- Hij Gelooft in Mij: Conny in 80s style, jeans, red cut off gloves, bow in hair

Conny (by Tina de Bruin), in the fashionable 80s version.

Costume Musical- Hij Gelooft in Mij:Dutch style dress, brown jacket with fur plus bag

And this dress is as Dutch as it will ever get. Believe me.

Costume Musical- Hij Gelooft in Mij:Plain and sober black dress - short dark jacket.

The actually most fun to draw. Babs - played by Jip Smit.

Costume Musical- Hij Gelooft in Mij:Red 90s dress, trousers

Winneke Remmers as Ria Bremer (some kind of TV personality)... and I should stop typing down all the names, nobody cares anyways.