My Enkhuizen Ink Drawing – and Inktober Commitment! September 30, 2015 Ink Drawing of architecture in the cute Dutch town Enkuizen...
Portrait Lighting Guides September 21, 2015 Some Lighting references that can help for painting portraits.....
Figure Drawing Starting Up Again September 3, 2015 To celebrate the start of our figure drawing session after the summer break - here are four recent pencil drawings...
To celebrate the start of our figure drawing session after the summer break - here are four recent pencil drawings...
Making an Art Site Useful September 1, 2015 Planning to make my art page more useful - for visitors and for myself. It's a small but long term project, and I want to share what I learn...
Planning to make my art page more useful - for visitors and for myself. It's a small but long term project, and I want to share what I learn...
Caromble! into the Wild! August 28, 2015 Finally I can announce that after six years of work we're releasing our indie game Caromble! on Early Access...
Finally I can announce that after six years of work we're releasing our indie game Caromble! on Early Access...
Medieval City Map Illustration August 24, 2015 An fantasy city overview in a semi-realistic setting - it's worked over a 3D render...
Science of Color August 19, 2015 Science reveals some of traditional color theories as wrong. Here's a look at some newer approaches - and some discoveries when looking back to ancient times...
Science reveals some of traditional color theories as wrong. Here's a look at some newer approaches - and some discoveries when looking back to ancient times...
Goblin-packed Fantasy Illustration August 12, 2015 A goblin-filled marketing illustration for a game, that never saw the light of day. With all work in progress steps...
A goblin-filled marketing illustration for a game, that never saw the light of day. With all work in progress steps...