Nightfall on Construction

This new ink artwork has made it through the first selection-round for the ZomerExpo competition. From 15th to 19th April it’ll be shown to public and expert juries at the Gendthallen in Amsterdam.

The piece I started a year ago in my neighborhood… and now finally finished it in my studio. It underwent lot’s of in-between steps and heavy changes. I showed a version on my Patreon page – and now made a new setup so Patreon supporters can see the Work In Progress steps for this drawing on my blog.

It’s a test for now – the content is behind the Patreon-login mechanism. So if you’re interested to see the changes and some thoughts of why I did them, you can when supporting me with a $3 pledge. Depending on the tier you choose, you can also support me without getting the updates, but still help me to have the time to create more final results.

I hope it works – please let me know if you have issues seeing it.
On to the artwork:

Nightfall on Construction - ink art

“Nightfall on Construction”, Ink on 30 x 40 cm Clayboard

I’m constructing a frame for it myself – which I made relating to the topic of the artwork. More on that in upcoming previews. Here on to some detail views:

Ink - Detail view tower

Detail view on the tower.

Ink - Detail on Water

Detail view on the water.

Ink - Detail view Building Construction

Detail view on the water.