“Katia Kabanova” Costume Designs – Part I

Since the last post of some of my costume drawings, the Faust opera has been played in Paris. Here is an image and a video – I hope to get more good quality photos later.

Faust in Paris

"Faust in Paris"

In the meantime I have been working on more plays – drawing hundreds of costumes based on design instructions by Yan Tax. Time to show some more of them.

These below are for “Katia Kabanova“. The opera plays in Russia at the end of the 19th century (1860 in the original play, and 1890 in this version) – with more historically accurate designs. Never thought I would ever get interested in fashion… but researching this was fun. One excellent resource for costumes is the blog of the FIDM Cotume Museum. Full of high quality photos and detailed historical descriptions. So I tried to stay as accurate as possible, even on the details.

Katia Kabanova (Kaja, Katija) - womens costume design

The main role - Katia Kabanova (sometimes written Katja Kabanova or Katya Kabanova)

Katia Kabanova (Kaja, Katija) - womens costume design

Katia in a 19th century coat with veil

1890s, 1900s, turn of the century, clothing, vintage

Boris - Katia's secret lover. With a bit of a vain personality.

Katia Kabanova (Kaja, Katija) - womens costume design

Kabanicha - the matriarch dominating the family. In a black gown.

Katia Kabanova (Kaja, Katija) - womens costume design

Kabanicha - in a coat for the church visit.

Kudrjas, turn of the century, clothing


Russian mens costume, turn of the century, clothing

Russian man in a coat (at the church procession).

Katia Kabanova (Kaja, Katija) - womens costume design

An choir woman - for the procession to the church.

Russian noble-man, turn of the century, clothing

Russian noble-man, in a coat (at the church procession).