With this plein air artwork, I have tried a more surrealist painting approach of a building I spotted last year at an cultural terrain north of Amsterdam.
It’s a really interesting spot called Het Groene Veld, where on another occasion I made the Geodesic Greenhouse painting. There’s much more to discover there. And as I felt the empty floor was lacking some interest I’ve merged two locations into one. While I love painting on location, I want to push myself to free my artworks a bit of a one-to-one representation.

I have also added this artwork to my shop – it is currently framed, as I had it in an exhibition last year.
Fish Pond in a Silo – Original Watercolor Painting€ 265,00 – € 295,00

I’ve made a little video showing the setup and the in-between step – plus a swoop to the actual scene I stood before.