Dutch Taxes vs. Art – Round 2

Just last year the Dutch government raised the consumption tax on visual art from 6 to 19 percent. I really don’t demand a special status, but raising it just this year again to 21 is gonna be tough. Clients barely had the time to get used to the higher prices… apparently galleries had a drop of sales by 25 percent. One can only guess what the aggregate of 15 percent higher prices will do. Never mind that they hack at all other pillars of support at the same time.

I rambled before about the particular oddity of cutting funds to visual arts in Holland, so I keep this short. If you are an affected artist or think either way that the Dutch government should reconsider: Here is a petition you can sign (featuring 17.000 signatures already).

The extra funny part: Any art that is on a stage (called “podiums art”, so theater and singing) will go back to 6 percent. Now should give the lawmakers credit for following a divide and conquer strategy … or do they simply don’t spend any time thinking laws through? Hmmmm.

Dutch Art in 2020

Gallery visit in 2020.