Costumes of the André Hazes Musical – Part II

On to the next bunch of costumes for “Hij Gelooft in Mij”. Here is a little trailer showing some of them in action.

Andre and Rachel Hazes

So here are the drawings, the following is the same as the photo above, changed a bit in color.

Costume Musical- Hij Gelooft in Mij: Chantal Janzen in blue dress

"Rachel Hazes" played by Chantal Janzen.

Costume Musical- Hij Gelooft in Mij: Chantal Janzen in red coat

Costume casual male dress

The father, Jan Van Galen, played by Hajo Bruins.

Costume Musical- casual jumper

Andre Hazes hanging out addidas style.

ocre dress fashion illustration

Two versions of Babs (Jip Smit).

Trousers and green dress - fashion illustration

Red leather trousers

90s costume, jeans, red shoes

The 90s version of Rachel.

Costume Musical- Hij Gelooft in Mij: Ocre Suit

Jeans dress, fashion

Light white top, fashion illustration